Changing Custody of Children

Changing Custody of Children

A recent case, Christina L. (Mother) v. Chauncey B. (Father), examined what it takes to change custody of the children. …

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California Supreme Court Weighs In On Moveaway Issue

California Supreme Court Weighs In On Moveaway Issue

The California Supreme Court recently announced its decision in the Marriage of Burgess. Paul and Wendy Burgess had two children …

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Bah Humbug: A Legal Holiday Season

Bah Humbug: A Legal Holiday Season

Under the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the states are prohibited …

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Back To School: What You Need To Know If You Have Joint Custody.

Back To School: What You Need To Know If You Have Joint Custody.

The concept of Joint Custody can be quite daunting for parents of minor children to understand, especially when getting ready …

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Assessing Flight Risk and Preventing Abduction

Assessing Flight Risk and Preventing Abduction

While most couples are able to navigate the bumps in the road of co-parenting and ultimately act in the best …

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Are You My Father?

Are You My Father?

Paternity means Fatherhood. For an unmarried couple having a child, the father has no legal rights until paternity is established. …

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A New Approach to Parenting Plans and the Holidays

A New Approach to Parenting Plans and the Holidays

One of the most difficult aspects of crafting a parenting plan for child visitation is addressing the holidays.  Parents can …

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1998 Brings Changes To The Family Code

1998 Brings Changes To The Family Code

The Family Code sets forth factors that the court must consider in determining the best interests of the children. Included …

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10 Behaviors That Contribute to Parental Alienation

10 Behaviors That Contribute to Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation is a growing concern for many parents due to protracted custody disputes and their attendant cost. However, these …

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Will I Still Have To Pay Support If My Income Decreases?

Will I Still Have To Pay Support If My Income Decreases?

Spouses who have been ordered to pay child or spousal support sometimes wonder if they can find relief from making …

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What Is “Paternity” And How Is It Taken Up In Family Law Court?

What Is “Paternity” And How Is It Taken Up In Family Law Court?

Paternity is defined in family law as the legal establishment of the identity of a child’s father – often via …

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What Impact Does “Depreciation” Have In Calculating Child Support?

What Impact Does “Depreciation” Have In Calculating Child Support?

In a decision filed February 27, 2007, the Court of Appeal of California reversed the orders of the trial court, …

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Want To Modify Child Support, Best To Act Promptly

Want To Modify Child Support, Best To Act Promptly

The case of County of Santa Clara v. Wilson confirms the saying, “If you snooze, you loose”. Mr. Wilson was …

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Too Much Support?

Too Much Support?

It has been a long time since a case has been critical of the amount of support calculated by the …

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The Effect Of Inheritance On Imputing Income

The Effect Of Inheritance On Imputing Income

Inheritance is not considered gross income for calculating Guideline child support but the change in disposable income to the heir …

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Reimbursements For Child Support? Not Even If It’s Not Your Child

Reimbursements For Child Support? Not Even If It’s Not Your Child

Where a person is determined the parent of a child, but does not have responsibility for the custody of that …

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