Divorce need not be difficult nor emotionally damaging, but here are a few things you should avoid doing:
-Not following advice from your professionals and taking advice from bitter friends who went to war with their former spouse
-Failing to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and economically
-Putting your needs, wants and desires before the best interest of the child(ren)
-Remaining bitter and/or angry with your spouse
-Hide or otherwise try and dispose of the community assets
-Want what you want and only what you want without any thought of compromise
-Fail to focus on your real goals and let your emotions and fears drive your actions
-Place any and all blame only on your spouse and avoid accepting any personal responsibility for your decisions
-Use the courts and the litigation process to hurt and cause your spouse pain just because you can
-Play the victim and refuse to move past what’s passed
-Defy or fail to follow court orders
-Share all of your feelings with your child(ren)
-Share any financial woes with your child(ren)
-Interrogate your child(ren) after custodial time with their other parent
-Refuse to allow your child(ren) to take or bring any of their belongings on a visit with their other parent
The list can go on and on so you get the point … as horrible as any of these actions sound, be assured there are many who have not been able to stop themselves.